When it comes to data security, it is not always necessary to develop a complete security system unless you have to manage a bunch of data. Let’s say you are a regular individual, but you will still need to keep your data organized and secure. On a personal and individual level, these little habits mentioned underneath will help you in keeping your data safe, secure and available when needed.
- Backing up:
Backing up has no alternative. Make sure to have a backup of your important and sensitive data. its inevitable. And also make sure that you don’t store that backup at the same place where your original data is stored (Physically or digitally). If you lose that file then in that case you lose the original file as well as the backup file both together. Hence, it is absolutely necessary to keep a backup and store it in a different place than the original file.
- Install an anti-virus:
Anti-viruses are not a façade. They keep your data safe and prevent it from being corrupted. Always make sure to install an anti-virus of best quality to ensure safety from various cyber threats that walk in your devices undiscovered. It is also very important to keep the anti-virus up to date and not ignore its warnings.
- Keep passwords strong:
No, it shouldn’t be your birthday. Passwords are like a formal gateway to your data and if its easy to guess, anybody can enter and have access to your personal and sensitive data. Always make sure that your passwords are unguessable and always try that they are not made up solely from your basic information like your name or parents name or birthdate or spouse’s name or anything near that.
- Don’t leave your data open and unattended.
Physically when you are working on your data, you might not stick yourself to the chair you are working from. Hence, make it a habit to make sure you lock your devices before you leave your data unattended. A person who is trying to get access to your data, might get that opportunity served in a plate.
- Avoid accessing data on dodgy or public networks:
It’s a golden rule to not access your data when your device is connected to an unreliable network. Make sure that you are not entering any login credentials or card details or any sensitive and personal information when you are on public network. Try using such networks to a minimum.
These were some tips everybody should keep in mind to avoid breech of cyber security. If you are a big organization and what to hire professionals for data management and security, Click here.